
Shore Pet Surgery Blog

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The Importance of Timely Mass Removal: How Surgery Can Improve Your Pet’s Health

As pet owners, we strive to provide the best care for our furry companions. Just like humans, pets can develop various health issues, including masses or tumors. Masses can occur in different parts of your pet's body, such as the skin, subcutaneous tissues, or internal organs. Early detection and appropriate treatment can make a significant difference in their overall health and quality of life.

What Is the Best Age to Microchip a Puppy?

Getting a puppy excites, challenges, and lightens up your life. You acquire not only a pet but also a companion and a loyal friend. Your pup will learn to communicate and respond to you, doing their best to fit into your lifestyle. They will win over your mind and your heart.

What Happens During a Veterinary Dental Cleaning?

Having a pet entails a lot of responsibility in caring for your furry friend. A big part of this responsibility is securing their health and preventing disease. Many know they must have their pets vaccinated and keep up the vaccinations. But dental care is another aspect of a pet's health, and it is often neglected. 

How Perineal Urethrostomy Has Helped Cats with Chronic Urinary Problems

Perineal urethrostomy, commonly referred to as PU surgery, is a surgical procedure that aims to alleviate chronic urinary problems in cats by creating a new, wider opening for urine to pass through. This procedure is often recommended for male cats who are prone to urinary blockages due to their narrow urethras. By widening the urethral opening, perineal urethrostomy helps to prevent future blockages and enables the cat to urinate more easily.

Why Is It Important to Spay or Neuter Your Pet?

Upon getting your pet, it is easy to imagine having a litter from them. It is, without a doubt, beautiful when your pet gives you cute little pet babies.

The Ultimate Guide to Dog Spay: Benefits, Risks, and Recovery Tips

Spaying is a surgical procedure in which the reproductive organs of female animals are removed. In the case of a female dog, this means removing the ovaries and the uterus. The surgery is performed under general anesthesia, so the animal is not awake and feels no pain.

How Does a Vet Remove a Foreign Object From a Dog?

Dogs are curious eaters and often use their mouths to explore the world. Many inedible objects can pass harmlessly through your pet's gastrointestinal tract. But others don't. Sometimes, they fail to pass through your dog's throat, stomach, or intestine. That can create gastrointestinal foreign object obstruction. This problem can lead to complications like infection, illness, toxicity, or even death.

How Often Do Pets Need Professional Dental Cleanings?

Many people don’t realize that our pets need to have healthy teeth and gums too. They are just as likely to experience problems like toothache, dental damage, and gum disease. However, since dental care isn’t something they can perform on themselves, our animals rely on us to get the oral hygiene support they need.

Early Signs of Pyometra in Dogs

Pyometra is a serious type of secondary infection that occurs in the female reproductive tract of your dog. It normally occurs a few weeks following your dog’s heat cycle and is caused by an increased level of progesterone. All unspayed female dogs are at risk of developing pyometra.

What is Perineal Urethrostomy Surgery and When is it Necessary?

Perineal Urethrostomy surgery, also known as PU surgery for short, is a surgery that is most often performed on male animals and is used to remove a urinary obstruction.
