How Perineal Urethrostomy Has Helped Cats with Chronic Urinary Problems

What is Perineal Urethrostomy?


Perineal urethrostomy, commonly referred to as PU surgery, is a surgical procedure that aims to alleviate chronic urinary problems in cats by creating a new, wider opening for urine to pass through. This procedure is often recommended for male cats who are prone to urinary blockages due to their narrow urethras. By widening the urethral opening, perineal urethrostomy helps to prevent future blockages and enables the cat to urinate more easily.


PU surgery is a major procedure that requires general anesthesia, and it is typically considered a last resort for cats who have not responded to other treatments for chronic urinary problems. However, in cases where other interventions have failed, perineal urethrostomy can be a lifesaver for affected cats, providing them with much-needed relief and significantly improving their quality of life.


The Importance of Perineal Urethrostomy in Treating Chronic Urinary Problems


When it comes to treating chronic urinary problems in cats, perineal urethrostomy plays a crucial role, especially for male cats who are at a higher risk of developing urinary obstructions. The importance of PU surgery in the management of chronic urinary issues cannot be overstated, as it can be a life-saving intervention for cats who have exhausted other treatment options.


Urinary obstructions in cats can lead to a buildup of toxins in the body, which can quickly become life-threatening. In such cases, it is essential to act quickly to resolve the blockage and prevent further complications. PU surgery offers a long-term solution to this problem by creating a wider urethral opening, which significantly reduces the risk of future obstructions.


Moreover, cats with chronic urinary issues often experience significant pain and discomfort, and their condition can negatively impact their overall well-being. By providing relief from these symptoms, perineal urethrostomy can drastically improve a cat's quality of life and help them lead a more comfortable and happy existence.


How Does Perineal Urethrostomy Work?


Perineal urethrostomy is a complex surgical procedure that requires a skilled veterinarian with experience in performing this type of surgery. Before the surgery, the cat is placed under general anesthesia to ensure their comfort and safety throughout the procedure.


The veterinarian begins by making an incision in the perineal area, which is the region between the anus and the scrotum in male cats. The urethra is then carefully exposed, and a portion of it is removed. Next, the surgeon creates a new, wider opening for the urethra by suturing it to the surrounding skin. This new opening allows for easier passage of urine and helps prevent future blockages.


After the surgery, the cat is closely monitored during their recovery, and pain management is provided as needed. It is crucial for the cat to receive appropriate post-operative care to ensure a smooth recovery and minimize the risk of complications. This may include administering antibiotics to prevent infection, providing a comfortable and clean environment for the cat to rest in, and closely monitoring their urination habits to ensure that the surgery has been successful.


Benefits of Perineal Urethrostomy for Cats


There are several notable benefits of perineal urethrostomy for cats suffering from chronic urinary problems. Some of the key advantages of this surgical procedure include:


  • Reduced risk of urinary obstruction: By creating a wider urethral opening, PU surgery significantly decreases the likelihood of future urinary blockages in susceptible cats. This can be life-saving for cats who have experienced recurrent episodes of obstruction.

  • Improved urinary function: Cats who have undergone perineal urethrostomy often experience improved urinary function, as the new urethral opening allows for easier passage of urine. This can help alleviate some of the pain and discomfort associated with chronic urinary problems.

  • Enhanced quality of life: For cats who have been struggling with chronic urinary issues, PU surgery can provide much-needed relief and drastically improve their overall well-being. By addressing the root cause of their urinary problems, this procedure allows cats to lead a more comfortable and fulfilling life.

  • Potentially lower long-term costs: Although perineal urethrostomy is a major surgery with associated costs, it can ultimately save money in the long run by reducing the need for ongoing medical treatments, emergency vet visits, and hospitalizations related to urinary obstructions.




If your cat is suffering from chronic urinary problems and has not responded to other treatment options, perineal urethrostomy may be a viable solution to consider. It is essential to consult with a knowledgeable veterinarian who can assess your cat's condition and determine whether PU surgery is the most appropriate course of action.


While perineal urethrostomy is a major procedure with inherent risks, it can also be a life-saving intervention for cats with recurrent urinary obstructions. By providing relief from chronic urinary issues, this surgery can significantly improve affected cats' quality of life and help them lead happier, more comfortable lives.


For more on how perineal urethrostomy has helped cats with chronic urinary problems, visit Shore Pet Surgery at our office in Grasonville, Maryland. Call (410) 202-0600 or (410) 827-6464 to book an appointment today.
