Surgery FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions


How do I prepare my cat for surgery?

Adults Cats: No food after midnight the night before surgery. Water is ok.

Kittens under 3 months of age: Feed small breakfast around 7 am, then pick up food. Water is ok.

Cats must arrive in separate secure carriers or traps (litters of kittens may be crated together). We recommend all pets to be on a flea preventative prior to their visit. You must bring proof of current rabies vaccination or a rabies vaccination will be administered here for an additional charge.

How do I prepare my dog for surgery?

Adult dogs: No food after midnight the night before surgery. Water is ok.

Puppies under 3 months old: Feed small breakfast around 7 AM, then pick up food. Water is ok.

Dogs must arrive on a leash or in a carrier. We recommend all pets be on flea preventative prior to their visit. You must bring proof of current rabies vaccination or a rabies vaccination will be administered here for an additional charge.

How should I care for my pet after surgery?

Your pet has just had major surgery which required general anesthesia. Female dogs and cats will have a mid-line incision on their abdomen. They will also have a small tattoo just below or beside their incision to indicate to future veterinarians that they are spayed. Male dogs will have an incision just above or on the scrotum and male cats have one incision on each side of the scrotum. Check the incision twice daily. Mild redness or swelling in the first few days is normal. Mild swelling in males is normal and sometimes they may appear to still have testicles. This swelling will resolve in a few days. Please call us if the swelling is severe or if your pet seems uncomfortable.

DO NOT ALLOW YOUR PET TO LICK OR CHEW THE INCISION! If this occurs you must purchase an E-collar to prevent your pet from reaching the incision. Unless you are told otherwise, your pet does not have external sutures to be removed. Do not clean or apply topical ointment to the incision site. Pets must be kept clean and dry after surgery. No running, jumping, playing, swimming, or other strenuous activity for 7 days. Dogs must be leash walked during this time and cats should be kept indoors unless they are feral outdoor cats.

What kind of payment do you accept?

Payment is expected at the time of service. We accept Visa, Mastercard, CareCredit, and cash. We do not accept checks.
